Play Ball!!
This is one of our most favorite cakes to date! Both Holly, the bride and Andy, her groom, love baseball. They chose this vintage inspired baseball cake to celebrate their wedding and their love of the game. It was fun for us because we finally had a project that we could play with our airbrush technique! Gotta be honest, it was a lot of fun. Amanda is the one who deserves the credit for the airbrushing! Way to go!

(This photo I edited using Instagram.)

Here are a couple of great birthday cakes for your someone special!
 The first is chocolate cake filled with raspberry and ganache and topped with a vibrant orange fondant bow. Morgan ordered this cake to surprise her new hubs because they didn't get any of the wedding cake I made them just a few short months ago! 

 This next one is chocolate cake filled with ganache and topped with chopped Reese's peanut butter cups. 

Poor Jayden broke his arm and so his awesome Grandpa thought cookies would cheer him up. We did them in red to match his new cast! And of course, the cookies were a hit! 

Amazingly cute cookies for Everett who turned 2! He had a camping birthday. So we did cookies with red or blue flashlights, marshmallows on sticks, tents, Camp signs with his nick name "Ev", and my fave, campfires!